The Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation has launched ArtSELF, an initiative designed to connect arts and wellness. Through Performing and Visual Arts, community members explore self reflection, stress management, memory care, and community engagement.

Each workshop is tailored to the specific audience and needs being served.

Available Workshops

Offered by Teaching Artist Maria Schaedler-Luera

Becoming Picasso

This workshop offers a transformative experience, empowering participants to expand their capacity to know and understand themselves. Through a series of engaging exercises inspired by theater directors Boal and Stanislavski, as well as ancient wisdom from the Yoga Sutras, participants will actively explore and challenge their thoughts, uncovering the ones that masquerade as facts and significantly influence their behaviors. By taking an inventory of their consciousness, examining their intelligence, outer mind, senses, and ego, participants will break free from habitual thinking patterns and step into the vast space of infinite possibilities in the present moment. This workshop brings together a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Tap into your inner Picassos, discovering your unique creative potential and embarking on a personal journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Conscious Theatre: A Journey of Healing through the Three Brains

An empowering workshop designed specifically for individuals who have experienced trauma and are actively seeking holistic approaches to heal. Discover the transformative power of drama and mindfulness exercises as we embark on a profound exploration of the heart, head, and gut, offering strategies for integration and healing. Throughout this workshop, participants will actively engage in a series of experiential exercises, combining drama and mindfulness techniques, to delve into the three brains - heart, head, and gut. By immersing themselves in these practices, participants will gain invaluable insights into the intricate connections between their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. Through this process, they will learn practical tools and strategies that can be utilized on their ongoing healing journey.

Free Your Mind

A series of experiential and self-reflective exercises inspired by techniques of Rainbow of Desire, created by Brazilian activist and director Augusto Boal. In this monthly offering participants will be supported in learning to identify and transform the internal voices that block them from achieving their goals. This personal growth and self-empowerment technique offers opportunities to gain greater insights and clarity into our own personal stories of oppression while giving us the motivation to break cycles and take steps towards creating change in our lives. No theater experience necessary

Music and Wellness

A transformative two-hour workshop exploring the healing power of music and mindfulness through exercises promoting emotional well-being. Create your own songs, engage in improvisation, and experience the benefits of music on mood and relaxation. Activities include body percussion, circle singing, breathing exercises, meditation, and a musical body scan to release tension. Learn pranayama techniques and mantra chanting to calm the mind. This workshop offers valuable tools for stress management, self-awareness, and inner peace, welcoming both seasoned musicians and novices alike.

Offered by Teaching Artist Kat Sjogren

No Reules Art Journaling

Reflect and engage as you explore multi-media art. This art-form is accessible to everyone, and encourages creative expression and conversations. Participants in this workshop will explore working with a variety of art materials and papers (including vintage papers).

Needle Felting

This workshop explores the calming effect of visual arts through a simple and repetitive art form. Needle felting is an art form in which wool fibers are worked repeatedly creating 2 or 3 dimensional art. In a 90 minute workshop, participants will have a completed work of art!

Current Partners and Projects:

For over 4 years, the Foundation has offered workshops by teaching artists trained in Trauma Informed Care to Trauma Survivors and Helping Professional. Through Monthly Workshops such as “No Rule Art Journaling” and “Becoming Picasso” as well as one-off opportunities and as part of regular overnight retreats, participants learn valuable coping and management skills through the arts.

The Resilient Retreat:

In 2023, the Performing Arts Foundation partnered with the Haven to provide regular arts program for aging adults with disabilities. Through the program, visiting artists engage with participants twice a week, exploring the arts as they engage in physically and mentally stimulating activities designed to support memory recall, motor skills, and improved quality of life.

The Haven: